Why do Middle Eastern interior designers have more hearts under their posts than those from Europe?
In most of the projects I get involved in from the point of view of strategy (communication, marketing, more and more often the very design of the service or business), I come across one common feature. Much of the needs the clients approach us with come from mythical stories that they have to do something because everyone says so and because and many do so. So, they have to. All is well, but only few people are able to link these activities to (measurable) effects.
That is why in 25wat we readily engage in initiatives in which we share our experience and knowledge with others. At the same time, we know that it is only a small piece in the whole jigsaw puzzle. Recently, Arcdeko (https://www.arcdeko.pl/ ) invited us to a short lecture where we were to talk about “personal branding of interior designers in social media”. After a quick dive into the subject, it turned out that the interior and communication designers have a lot in common, and so I could better prepare for a short presentation. It was supposed to last 20 minutes and ended up exceeding an hour, including questions. Why?
1. It turned out that social media is what we all do, but why and what are these #hashtags for?
2. Do I have to be on Facebook and Instagram and LinkedIn and Twitter and do I miss customers because I’m not there?
3. Why do Middle Eastern interior designers have more hearts in their posts than those in Europe?
4. Someone in the room has been paying a SEO company a few hundred PLN every month for 10 years and has been on the third search page for 10 years. It soon turned out that he is not alone because several other entrepreneurs also pay monthly and this positioning “does not work”.
There were many more interesting questions (Gabi and Arcdeko are witnesses!) but they had the same the denominator. A multitude of myths that have arisen over the years in everything that is related to communication in the online world.
This way the presentation turned into an exciting discussion about “what’s really going on”, “are they lying to us?” and the disenchantment of the myths in the digital world. This meeting was a great experience for me. Another point that convinces me that only a simple and honest conversation without any mumbo jumbo can bring results. Adjusting tools and channels to actual needs, not just in response to trends.